Category Android

4 Hidden Tools Inside Your Android Device

Rediscover your developer options

Default Error Handling With RxJava

Use RxJavaPlugins error handler instead of implementing onError

Provide Credentials for Google Reviews

Help your reviewer to approve your Android application

Proper Fragment Communication in Android

Don’t let the system hang up on your fragment’s listener

How To Include Billing on Android

Set up your InApp Purchase inside the Google Play Console

Category PlayStore

Provide Credentials for Google Reviews

Help your reviewer to approve your Android application

How To Include Billing on Android

Set up your InApp Purchase inside the Google Play Console

Category Billing

How To Include Billing on Android

Set up your InApp Purchase inside the Google Play Console

Category Git

Git Flow Made Easy With This Complete Walkthrough

Git Flow has ten years, long live Git Flow!

How to Swiftly Launch a Free Website With GitHub Pages

No programming or cost involved! Pick a theme, configure it, then pour in your content!

How to Prevent Git Commit Naming Mistakes

Throw a safety net each time you commit with Git hooks

Git Rebase For Nested Branches

If rebasing becomes tedious, you might be doing it wrong

Draw Neat Trees With Git Rebase

Edit or discard your commits with interactive rebasing

Don’t Fret With Git Rebase

Rebasing a Git branch is a cakewalk no matter what your teammates may tell you

Category Rebase

Git Rebase For Nested Branches

If rebasing becomes tedious, you might be doing it wrong

Draw Neat Trees With Git Rebase

Edit or discard your commits with interactive rebasing

Don’t Fret With Git Rebase

Rebasing a Git branch is a cakewalk no matter what your teammates may tell you

Category Fragment

Proper Fragment Communication in Android

Don’t let the system hang up on your fragment’s listener

Category Python

Laziness Saved My Friend’s Sanity

How I happened to write a Python word count script

Category Word-count

Laziness Saved My Friend’s Sanity

How I happened to write a Python word count script

Category Mindset

Laziness Saved My Friend’s Sanity

How I happened to write a Python word count script

Category Handler

Category Lifecycle

Category RxJava

Default Error Handling With RxJava

Use RxJavaPlugins error handler instead of implementing onError

Category ErrorHandling

Default Error Handling With RxJava

Use RxJavaPlugins error handler instead of implementing onError

Category Tools

4 Hidden Tools Inside Your Android Device

Rediscover your developer options

Category Debugging

4 Hidden Tools Inside Your Android Device

Rediscover your developer options

Category Hooks

How to Prevent Git Commit Naming Mistakes

Throw a safety net each time you commit with Git hooks

Category Website

How to Swiftly Launch a Free Website With GitHub Pages

No programming or cost involved! Pick a theme, configure it, then pour in your content!

Category Jekyll

How to Swiftly Launch a Free Website With GitHub Pages

No programming or cost involved! Pick a theme, configure it, then pour in your content!

Category GitFlow

Git Flow Made Easy With This Complete Walkthrough

Git Flow has ten years, long live Git Flow!